Who Are We?
The Criminal Justice Chaplaincy (CJC) was founded in 1980 by Church of the Servant Christian Reformed Church and other West Michigan churches. The ministry came from a Vision that Biblical, restorative, justice requires reconciliation to victims and perpetrators of crime, through Christ’s love and compassion.
Our Mission
To restore returning citizens to the community through Christ's teaching, love and compassion.
Our Vision
Provide supportive services that assist individuals returning from incarceration and those affected by their actions, decisions, and plans, to overcome barriers, address needs, and become productive in their community.
Listen to Dee Obreht, Executive Director of CJC talk with WGVU grant writer, Steve Chappell.
Primary Goals
Direct Service to Individuals, Families and Groups
Case Management—goal planning meetings
Horticultural Therapy Program—women using gardening to promote hope and healing
Mentors—trained volunteers provide friendship & support to overcome obstacles
Reentry Lunch—providing a safe place for food and fellowship with friends
Support Services—such as clothing, bus passes, work boots & tools, & bikes
Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)—cognitive behavioral therapy promoting positive self image and identity
Son To A Father Program—Parenting skills training for men prior to release from prison
Church Support—individualized planning, support and training
Involve Churches and Community with offenders and families
Contacts & consultation with agencies, individuals & churches
Ex-offenders mentor training & seminars
Volunteer opportunities and training
Encourage Restorative Justice within Corrections
Promoting restorative justice in churches & the community
Encouraging religious programming within the Michigan Department of Corrections
Consultants to congregations to enhance pastoral care
Restorative Justice
Criminal Justice Chaplaincy is involved in Restorative Justice.
What is restorative justice?
The Christian Reformed Church (CRC) Office of Social Justice describes it this way:
Restorative Justice is a biblically based view of criminal justice that attempts to engage victims, offenders and the affected communities in bringing about deep and lasting solutions by focusing on restitution, restoration, healing, and the future. At its core, it is about relationships.
To learn more about what the CRC is doing with restorative justice, visit their website here.