Volunteer Opportunities
take charge
The Take Charge Program serves as a life skills and support group for female ex-offenders and other women who can benefit from the topics featured. Volunteers are needed to help with transporting women to and from the classes, with child care services and with serving and providing healthy snacks for those in attendance. Professionals interested in speaking and sharing information at a Take Charge meeting are encouraged to contact Sarah Rhein at 616 514-3718 or sarahr@70x7liferecovery.org.
Obstacles faced by ex-offenders returning to our community are so overwhelming that often a productive life without crime seems impossible to achieve on their own. A Mentor is a concerned, accepting friend who provides encouragement and promotes accountability. 70x7 Life Recovery (CJC) provides Introduction to Mentoring and Healthy Mentor Relationship Training to help you become an effective mentor.
Community Reentry Fellowship
Help plan, prepare or serve meals at this twice a month ministry opportunity which allows Returning Citizens and their families to network, connect and fellowship with mentors, church folks and criminal justice service agency representatives in a relaxed setting. Gifts in kind, restaurant or culinary school donations and volunteers are also welcome!